Resultados de la búsqueda

    4 Resultados
  • Paulo Almirante - Senior Executive Vice President, Renewables Global Business Line, France Renouvelables Business Unit, Nuclear Business Unit and the Global Energy Management - se graduó en Technical University of Lisbon.
  • Joao Marques da Cruz - Chief Executive Officer, Brazil - posee un Master of Business Administration de Technical University of Lisbon.
    EDP - Energía - Portugal
  • Nuno Ferreira - Partner, Transformation Projects - posee un Master in Monetary and Financial Economic de Technical University of Lisbon.
    McKinsey Portugal - Consultoría - Portugal
  • Pedro Simões - Chief Executive Officer, Ecoslops Portugal - posee un Mechanical Engineering - Applied Thermodynamics de Technical University of Lisbon.
    Ecoslops - Petróleo & Gas - Francia

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